Thursday 19 April 2012

Six and a Half Weeks

I lost my job back on March 1st and since then I have been riding an emotional roller coaster of job prospects.
(Preparing to leave the loading station)

At first, I was pretty upset about not having a job, naturally. With 2 small kids and a ton of other bills to pay, only having one income was pretty scary. 2 days after being let go, Krista and I travelled home to Brampton to be there for my best friend Courtney, as he got married to a wonderful woman, Ashley. I was able to forget, for the most part, that I had just lost my job and was facing the undesirable task of searching for a new one.

My dad had taught me at a young age that I should never leave a job unless I had another one lined up beforehand. Well, I was kind of blindsided by this so I wasn't prepared. I figured that through the course of the last 4 years in a sales role that I had made enough contacts with the right people that would land me employment by the end of the first week. Nope!


(Climbing the first big hill)

On day 1 of the first week I had faxed off and sent out a bunch of resumes and actually heard back from one industrial company. Good start! I was set to meet with them in the second week but I still got out there and applied for more jobs. Even going as low as applying for a job that paid just over $10 an hour. I figured I wasn't making any money at this point so even that would be an improvement. I went into that interview knowing I would get the job. I would've been offered the position but I was "over qualified" for being a call centre rep.. I totally agree with that statement. I have been in various roles throughout my working life and call centre rep was not my first choice as a job.

I am 30! Not 20!

I had never in my life been referred to another job while in an interview before but the recruiter sent me over to another local business that she knew was in need of someone and would pay what I was more suited to. To date, even though they were very eager to have me, I still haven't heard back from them.

(Heading into the first loop)

Oh well.

20 more applications and dozens of emails more I was still without a job. (This is now week 3).

(Climbing hill #2)

Krista and I had said that if I didn't have a job by the end of March that then we would start to worry. It was fast approaching.

(Down the steep slope screaming with my arms up)

I did, however, have a job lined up! With the aforementioned industrial company. They really want me to work for them. Considering I just came from an industrial supply company and had many contacts from that. Here's the thing; they are a small business. They can apply for the small business hiring credit from the Government.
First, I needed to qualify.

Was I collecting EI? No.

Had I applied for EI in the past 52 weeks? No

Great! I qualify.

Now their turn.

They do.


(Through the loops)

Now I need to drive back to North Bay and meet with an employment agency to get the ball rolling to be able to get this government funding. (This is twice in 2 weeks that I go up there)

Long story short, the employment agency applied for the wrong funding on the industrial company's behalf and it was denied!


Now they will reapply under a different government program but they don't think it will be approved until early May!

You've got to be kidding me.

This company is so excited to hire me, or so I am told, that they can't wait for the funding to be approved, but they won't hire me until they hear back. They want me so bad, but they're going to wait! I have been trying to get a hold of the owner, whom I had met with each time I went up there and he said that he wants me to run the local store here in town. I have been calling and calling to get this ball rolling about getting him to hire me. He had told me previously that he had a salary figure in his head that included the funding and that we would discuss it once we heard. I wanted to talk to him and discuss it now and negotiate a salary that didn't take into account the funding. Basically, I want to get to work!

(Up and Down!)

He makes custom hydraulic hoses all day as part of the company's slogan. "Custom hoses while you wait." He must be making one hell of a hose because it has literally been 2 weeks since my last call, and he was making a hose then, and the day after that when I called again.

(Going up the last hill and seeing the horizon)


I am pleased to report that I have received a job offer and have decided to take it!

**Cue fireworks and cheering!

It is with a local business in the financial industry. I had never in a million years thought that I would be working in the financial industry but hey, a job is a job!

I couldn't be more thrilled. I will get to go back to work and collect a salary and not worry (so much) about the bills.

(Down the last hill onto the long straight away)

Unlike my 2 previous jobs, I will get to go to an office and stay there all day long! To most of you you're probably thinking that that is no big deal, but to me it is amazing. You see. I have had the (mis)fortune of having to drive around all day every day for the last 4 years to see customers. Puts a big dent in the wallet. Now, a tank of gas can last me a month because my new job is only 9 km away from home.

(Return to station)

Although, at the end of this ride I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna say to Krista, "let's do that again!"